Why does the substance information chart on the ECHA website show more hazard information compared to the information on the SDS of the ion exchange resin?

Why does the substance information chart on the ECHA website show more hazard information compared to the information on the SDS of the ion exchange resin?

26 February 2020

The substance information charts on the ECHA website reflect the information notified to ECHA through the SDSs issued by the economic operators (manufacturers, distributors, downstream users). As soon as 5% or more of the economic operators notify ECHA of a hazard, ECHA will list the hazard information on the substance information chart.

The substance information sheets on the ECHA website are CAS- and EC-number specific. For polymeric substances, like ion exchange resins, the CAS-number typically characterizes a polymer family and not a single substance. The chemical properties, like molecular weight, water solubility, etc., within the polymer family can differ substantially. These differences may lead to different hazard properties for products within the same polymer family.

Economic operators will issue SDSs listing the hazards specific for their products. As within a single specific polymer family with the same CAS-number, the final products can differ substantially, the SDSs for the different products can contain different hazard information.